CYA winSQThings have been a bit slow here in the past couple of months, I only released two new patterns last year. However, my daughter is a big girl now, fifteen months old, and slowly but surely, I seem to have more opportunities and brains to work than before. I have tons of ideas and hopefully, they will become projects and then patterns soon. I'll show you a few of them. 

My newest shawl in the making, I know you can't see much yet but I'll bring more pictures soon I promise. I got a couple of skeins from Cascade Yarns many months ago to swatch and I finally have the time to start working with them. I guess this is going to be a fairly large swatch.


snailyarn autumn mushrooms

This is Solar Flare, a shawl that is already in testing. I bought the yarn at the Swiss Wulle Festival back in 2015, two gorgeous skeins from Valentina at SnailYarn.

Want to take a sneak peak at the testers' projects? All you have to do is log into ravelry.


dropsflora vip1

I finished knitting this shawl last week, I only have to block it. And take pictures, obviously. I'm already writing the pattern and we will soon begin with the testing. If you are interested, sign up here and you won't miss the call: The only thing you need is a ravelry username as my test knits always run on ravelry.


siidegarte progress3And finally, a shawl I have written about more than a year ago. It only needs blocking now but I haven't started writing up the pattern yet (of course I have notes, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do that, would I) so testing is still a few weeks away I guess. 

And I have a couple more ideas in my head, follow me on facebook or instagram or ravelry if you want to see more of them turned into projects!

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